Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Fluid Movement

Something fascinating occurred to me, while studying the Urinary System in great detail during my Reflexology training. The fluid and mineral balance in the body is constantly changing and dynamic. This affects even the most rigid structures. We need to get away from the idea that the body has any truly hard, permanent, unchanging pieces. We're mostly made of salt water and our bones are like coral reefs- alive, growing, adapting to currents (habitual postural patterns) and interdependent with the sea water (blood) around them. 

I'm guilty too- I think about my body as being a solid mass of stuff that stopped growing after I got into my early 20's. The urinary system underlines the fact that I'm wrong. Water movement, filtration, and mineral exchange happens second by second. Hopefully, when properly hydrated, we should be peeing several times a day. A hard, rigid system, like a marble statue, would find itself highly stressed, if it had to convert marble to saltwater several times a day. We are not solid statues and thankfully, reflexology, massage, stretching and movement can promote healthy fluid and mineral exchange in a calming, balanced way, because our bodies are fluid and constantly adapting. 

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