Thursday, February 22, 2018

What is Profound Therapies?

Let's start with some general definitions...

Profound- Having or showing great Knowledge or Insight, Demanding Deep Study or Thought, Extending to a Great Depth, Wise, Intelligent, Scholarly, Discerning, Perceptive, Thoughtful, Insightful.

Therapy- To Attend, do Service, Take Care of during a Remedial, Rehabilitating, or Curative Process; An act or task that Relieves Tension; a Healing Power or Quality.

As a Bodyworker (Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Reflexologist, Certified Posture and Pain Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer) I have several core values that help shape how I can get the most "Profound" results for the clients and patients I see every day for Therapy.

Most people think of getting a Massage with a goal of having their Muscles Relax- and that's about it. Over years of experience and advanced training from many perspectives, I've learned that you cannot separate or isolate any specific system of the body. Each and every cell in the body is connected to Nerves, Fascia, and Blood flow. I cannot massage or stretch any specific muscle alone, and if I did, it would be meaningless taken out of context of the Holistic Body in the 3 Dimensional World.

The Brain is the director of everything that goes on in the body, using the nervous system to gather information from the world and then to distribute calls for action in response to that information.

Profound Therapies is built around respecting the Nervous System to benefit the Body as a Whole Structure. As a Therapist, I can communicate with the Brain in several ways- Massage, Reflexology, Stretching, Verbal Coaching, Functional Training, and Passive or Assisted Joint Movement.

So the biggest Core Value of Profound Therapies is that I approach Your Body on the Table with respect for Your Brain. You are the boss of what's going on. If your Brain thinks I'm attacking Your Body, it's going to put up walls and barriers against me, which is the opposite of the results we want. Walls are stiff and hard to move. You want to move better, with Less Restriction, right?


That's the difference between Deep Tissue Massage and Profound Therapy. You get to take advantage of my Thoughtful, Discerning, Knowledgeable, Scholarly training to get the Results you want, without being sore, bruised, and inflamed after the session. You shouldn't have to recover from a massage or training session. Brute Force does NOT benefit Your Brain or Your Body.